Wednesday, March 12, 2008

We lack skillz / Is tricking right for you?

Before we get too far into this, we feel the need to clear up any misinterpretations or mistaken impressions you may have gotten concerning us. We'll say this boldy and without fear:


Now, you may be thinking:
What!? You've crushed ALL my hopes and dreams! I hate you! *throws keyboard*

Or maybe more calmly:
Why am I listening to you, then!? (If this is the case, we applaud your anger management skills.)

Well, here's the deal. We're going to learn WITH you!

Seriously, though, would you rather learn with someone who's far superior to you and laughs at you when you screw up OR someone who sucks and understands the trials and tribulations of your journey to ninjahood?


And we do have some idea of what we're doing, we just can't do it ourselves. We're here to provide you with quality resources and to cheer you on. Plus, you can rant about your accomplishments to someone who actually cares (we can, too!).

Alright, on to the next topic of our post:


That's really a personal decision. A good way to find out, though, is to climb to the top of a really, really tall building. Once you reach the roof, take a deep breath. Dive headfirst off the top. If you survive, tricking is probably right for you.

There you have it...a totally foolproof plan.

P.S. We're kidding. Don't try this.

P.P.S. Really, DON'T try this!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

What is Tricking?

Tricking. It's pretty awesome.

But... WHAT IS IT?

Actually, if you don't know, then why are you here!? WAIT! Don't leave!

Fine, fine... we'll give you some explanatory websites to check out. And just because we're so nice, you'd better look at them:

Tricking (wikipedia) - this article is short and compact and gives the reader a basic overview of tricking. We suggest checking this out first, and then looking at our other links for more in depth information.

The Tricking Bible (pdf) - written by Sesshoumaru, a SUPER talented dude. He wrote the bible, so he's like a tricking god... or something. Anyway, he's really good. Watch that video. Also, this article is really long, and you may not want to read the whole thing at once (especially if you're a beginner).

Tricks Tutorials - created by Jujimufu, another super talented dude (look him up yourself, if you're curious). If Sesshomaru is the tricking god, then he's a demigod at the very least. His website contains all sorts of tricking goodies. Be sure to read the article on fruit.

Happy learning!! Oh! And come back when you're done!!

P.S. There are tons of other sites out there, too. Try searching around a bit.

Friday, March 7, 2008

We are sorry!!!

Ack! There is nothing on our blog!!

Why do we have no free time?!

We must pledge to our loyal readers to write something soon! And make it extra good!

The only problem is... we don't actually have any loyal readers, do we?

Friday, February 22, 2008

About Us ...ish

To answer your unasked question: yes, we did just post yesterday. But, c'mon, our blog looked terribly empty.

We're at a loss for what to say. Actually, only one of us is. The other one has plenty of good ideas, but they keep getting put down. Isn't that awful?

Oh, and for the record, there are two of us. We're not schiznophrenic, nor do we enjoy talking in the first person plural. Well... maybe a little. Volamus! cum avibus. Yeah. Vola nobiscum. Or, at the very least, you should read our blog.

So, what do you think of our family portrait? You know, us with the staff and bow? And our devil horns? We're such good pagans (not really). D-Twins stands for Devil Twins, by the way. Umm... we're not occultists (really, this time). Devil Twins is more in opposition to the word angel than referring to the actual devil. See, the Angel Twins are our arch rivals. Although, we're pretty sure that "Angel" alludes to Angel from Rent. Whatever....

Wow... we just spent a lot of time talking about absolutely nothing. Next time we'll post something on tricking... or at least something relevant. We promise. Still, feel free to comment or e-mail us with ideas.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

First Post


So, we've searched high and low (sort of) for a blog about tricking. And we've come up empty-handed every time (all three). Now, most people would sit back and cry. BUT NOT US! Alas, welcome to what we hope will become one of the best tricking, martial arts, and anything-else-we-feel-like blog ever.

Anyway, we've got some ideas for future posts, but we're open to suggestions or comments. Email us.